Kumaon, located in the Himalayas, is often referred to as the Land of Gods (Dev Bhumi) due to the many important pilgrimage centres found throughout the state. Magnificent views of the Himalayan peaks, fascinating flora and fauna, picturesque terraced fields being tended by colorfully-attired women, amazing setting of the small villages dotted on the hillsides and charming local cultures – provide the perfect blend for a memorable holiday.
There is truly no more inspiring and rewarding way to experience the feel and smell of this stunningly beautiful region than on foot. Our Kumaon Walks take you through the unspoilt remote villages of the region, enabling you to experience it from close quarters. The programme allows you to walk around freely and interact with the local communities, exchange stories with the elderly people over a cup of 'chai' or help villagers working in the fields.
Charmingly, you also get to stay in traditional village houses which are stunningly located and have been touched up (and added on with attached bathrooms) to provide very comfortable lodging without compromising on the authenticity.
+ Magnificent views of Himalayan peaks
+ Trails through quaint villages, valleys, forests and agricultural fields
+ Close interaction with friendly village folks
+ Stays in small village houses that have been re-furbished to provide comfortable accommodation
+ Diverse flora and fauna
+ Visit to a local school can be arranged
Barring peak rainy seasons of June, July and August, one can undertake this walking tour anytime of the year. Each month of travel has its own charm:
Sept/Oct/Nov: Cool weather and the mountains views are good
Dec/Jan/Feb/Mar: Cold but the mountain views are at their best
Apr/May: Cool weather, mountains being to get hazy but rhododendrons are in full bloom
June/July/Aug: Pleasant temperature but it could be raining most of the days
Physical Rating: Can be customized to Easy, Moderate to Challenging
7 days
This walking tour takes you to the most unspoiled remote villages in the lower Himalayan region. Charmingly, you stay in traditional village houses which are stunningly located and have been touched up to provide very comfortable lodging without compromising on the authenticity or environment.
DATES: Daily for minimum 2 people JAN to APR, SEP to DEC
Thinking about a tailor-made walking tour with your family or friends? We specialize in creating perfect bespoke walking itineraries.
We customize tours as per your specific requirements and preferences. These tours can be designed for clubs, organisations, families or groups of friends of just about any size from two people up to any number. Customized walking tours offer you personalized experiences based on your budget and your physical fitness.
We put to use our comprehensive, in-depth knowledge of India - knowledge that enables us to devise tours using the most suitable combinations of routes and accommodations.
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